November 2018: Our newest major publication has been released: • The View and Practice of Quintessence Dzogchen.
October 2016: The latest newsletter is available, use the list to the right
April 2016 We now have our Tibetan-Tibetan and Tibetan-English dictionaries as add-ons for the Mac OSX operating system’s special word lookup feature. For full information • see the Mac OSX dictionaries page.
March 2016 All new versions of the Illuminator Tibetan-English Encyclopaedic dictionary have now been released: iOS, OSX, and Windows versions. See the March newsletter for details.
January 2016 The yearly update to the Windows Illuminator Tibetan-English Encyclopaedic dictionary has been released. It is a very substantial update with many new entries and editorial improvements. Notifications have been sent to lifetime subscribers to the dictionary (Windows) with details on how to obtain the new version 5.40 dictionary. A lifetime subscriber who does not receive the notice should contact us by e-mail. Registered users without the lifetime subscription can obtain a one-time paid update to the new version • here. The many users of pirated copies should pay for the dictionary by purchasing a copy • here; they will receive the latest dictionary in return, with no further questions asked. The new dictionary for MacOSX and iOS will be released very shortly.
January 2016 The yearly update to the MacOSX and iOS Illuminator Tibetan-English Encyclopaedic dictionary has been released. We will provide information on how to do the update here in the near future.
January 2016 A problem with bookmarks was fixed in TibetDoc. Registered users with version 5.40 or greater will be able to obtain a free update by writing to us by e-mail.
August 2015: Our newest major publications have been released: • Dzogchen Foremost Instructions, “A Garland of Views” by Padmasambhava and • Samantabhadra’s Prayer, a complete exposition in two volumes.
August 2015: A liturgy for making the daily shrine offering has been released: • look under writings of Tony Duff. This text is provided free. It was composed directly in English by Lama Tony and combines the seven branch offering of Samantabhadra with the daily offerings.April 2015: Our newest major publication has been released: • See the April newsletter number 2 for details.
April 2015: The 2015 version of Illuminator Dictionary for iOS has been released. Read the • April 2015 newsletter.
March 2015: Two new Tibetan texts in Tibetan script by Getse Mahapandita of Kathog Monastery on the subject of Sugata Essence and Other Emptiness and the three turnings of the wheel are now available; • see here.
March 2015: “A teljes meditációs ülés” című könyvünk magyar fordítása most; • elérhető itt.
March 2015: An Hungarian edition of our book “A Complete Meditation Session” is now available; • see here.
January 2015: The latest edition of the Illuminator Dictionary for Mac OSX is available. This is the new edition for 2015 that contains all the improvements and additions made to the dictionary during 2014. The improvements and additions are substantial, with several hundred new entries added and improvements made to many existing entries. Go • here to purchase. Alternatively, if you are a registered user of the Illuminator 2014 dictionary for Mac OSX dictionary, you are eligible for an update purchase at discount pricing. The update can be • purchased here.
January 2015 Lama Tony will be teaching in Europe in June this summer and in the USA this summer and autumn during an extended stay. New information has been posted • on his teaching schedule page.
January 2015 The yearly update to the Illuminator Tibetan-English Encyclopaedic dictionary has been released. It is a very substantial update with nearly 1000 new entries and many editorial improvements. Notifications have been sent to lifetime subscribers to the dictionary (Windows) with details on how to obtain the new version 5.40 dictionary. A lifetime subscriber who does not receive the notice should contact us by e-mail. Registered users without the lifetime subscription can obtain a one-time paid update to the new version • here. The many users of pirated copies should pay for the dictionary by purchasing a copy • here; they will receive the latest dictionary in return, with no further questions asked. The new dictionary for MacOSX and iOS will be released very shortly.
January 2015: A new version of TibetDoc and TibetD Reader is available. The new version fixes a bug that attempting to paste unicode Tibetan and other text into the find box would cause the program to crash. Tibetan and other text can now be successfully copied into the search box from Word and other sources. This new version is still labelled version 5.41. A free update of TibetDoc is available only to those who have TibetDoc 5.40 or 5.41 (run the program and look under help, about to see the current version number). If you qualify, you can send us an e-mail asking for the new version (use the contact link on the menu). If not, you can purchase the update here. The update to TibetD Reader is free to all • here.
January 2015: Jamgon Kongtrul’s major collection of oral instruction texts called • “The Treasury of Oral Instructions (gdams ngag mdzod)” is now available in our TibetD format. TibetD Reader is available here: TibetD Reader 5.41.
December 2014: • View the December newsletter.
December 2014: Lama Tony will be teaching again in 2015. See the teaching schedule here.
December 2014: A new version of TibetDoc is available. The new version fixes a nasty bug that prevented saving to HTML / Unicode. This new version is still labelled version 5.41. A free update is available only to those who have TibetDoc 5.40 or 5.41 (run the program and look under help, about to see the current version number). If you qualify, you can send us an e-mail asking for the new version (use the contact link on the menu). If not, you can purchase the update here.
December 2014: Major Text Publication * We add another text of Ju Mipham Namgyal to our free Tibetan text collection. It is • available here. For information about the text and a forthcoming text that contains a translation of the text, • see here.
November 2014: A new version of TibetDoc and TibetD Reader programs is available. The new version in each case is 5.41. For a long time these programs would not print under 64-bit Windows. We have solved the problem and printing now works properly regardless of 32 or 64 bit Windows. A free update for TibetD Reader is available here: free update to TibetD Reader 5.41. If you use the update, do not forget to uninstall the old version first. A free update to TibetDoc is available only to those who have TibetDoc 5.40 (run the program and look under help, about to see the current version number). If you qualify, you can send us an e-mail asking for the new version (e-mail address is at the foot of the page). If not, you can purchase the update here.
October 2014: • View the second October Newsletter.
October 2014: Read a portion of our latest forthcoming book, with interesting pointers about Dzogchen • an important text on buddha nature, sugatagarbha.
October 2014: • View the October Newsletter.
September 2014: • View the September Newsletter.
June 12th, 2014: We have added more important titles to our forthcoming books; see • the forthcoming publications page.
May 27th, 2014: New versions of TibetDoc and TibetD Reader for Windows have been released. They have minor bug fixes to the previous 5.40 version. This new version of TibetD Reader is available for free download on the • free downloads page.
April 2014: • View the April Newsletter.
April 30th, 2014: All of our Tibetan Dictionaries are now available with the new Macintosh OSX TibetD Reader. We announced early in the year that we have built a completely new TibetD Reader for our dictionaries for the Mac OSX platform. The Illuminator Tibetan-English Dictionary has been available with the new reader for the last few months. Now we all five of our major Tibetan-English and Tibetan-Tibetan dictionaries are available with it. • Go here for more information and to purchase.
April 18th, 2014: A new Kindle book is available. • Read more about the book here. • Purchase in the Kindle store here.
March: • View the March Newsletter.
March 18th, 2014: A new book is available. Dza Patrul’s teachings on the two truths, with an emphasis on the non-dual approach culminating in the two truths and Dzogchen has been published. The book is available on paper, and in Kindle and PDF e-book formats. Go • here for more information and purchases.
February: • View the February Newsletter.
February 24th, 2014: We have completed our new Mac OSX Reader for reading our dictionaries. The Illuminator is the first dictionary available with the new Reader. The new Reader and Illuminator combination gas already been praised by Mac users, who find it to be greatly improved over the old Mac OSX Reader. They like its ease of use and the fact that it is true Mac OSX software that follows Macintosh design and operating rules. The Illuminator dictionary that comes with the new Mac OSX iReader is the latest, 2014 version. Go • here to make the purchase. There is no update pricing because this is a new product.
February 14th, 2014: We are completing work on another book of Dza Patrul's works. This book is about the two truths but also joins the sutra understanding of the two truths with the practice of Dzogchen. The book will be released very shortly. Go • here to read more.
February 7th, 2014: All of our major collections of Tibetan reference works are now free. Joining the other collections that were free, the Longchen Nyingthig Root Volumes and the Seven Treasuries of Longchenpa are now free for download. Go • here to download the collections.
February 6th, 2014: We have been programming new software to support our dictionaries under Mac OSX. Today we have a functioning program that is truly a Mac OSX program for our dictionaries. We expect to release it in about two weeks only.
February 5th, 2014: A new Kindle Book is available. It is the Kindle version of Padma Karpo's famous commentary to Shantideva's Entering the Bodhisatva's Conduct. Go • here to read more.
February 5th, 2014: The page with all of our translations and publications has been through a major upgrade. Several new publications have been added and many improvements made. Go • here to read more.
February 3rd, 2014: Several new books are available: see Complete Session of Meditation, and Condensed Advice on Thorough Cut, and Padma Karpo's commentary on Shantideva's Entering the Bodhisatva's Way, and others. A major book on Other Emptiness is now in final editing.
January 3rd, 2014: We have completely reformatted, corrected, and re-vamped all of the eighteen Kindle books that we have published. Praise for the extensive improvements was immediate. • Read the newsletter with full information. All of the improved publications are now available at • Amazon books.
November 18th, 2013 Lama Tony has been so busy travelling this year that we have not had time to spend on upkeep of the site. However, we have produced many new products:
- We have released a total of five dictionaries in professionally programmed software for the Apple iOS platform; see • here.
- We have also released several new books and are in the process of releasing several more; see • here. Note the new catalogue of books that shows up on the left upper part of the screen—it shows all of the titles available using various categories.
- We have many titles now available in Kindle format. Look on the main publications page • here; if a Kindle book is available for a title, there will be a button for it at the end of the information for the title. We have also published several books in Kindle format which are not listed on our main books page. The best way to get our Kindle titles is browse Amazon.
- We have released a number of new titles on paper, especially see • Maitreya’s Sutras and Prayer and • Commentary to the Bodhicaryavatara by Padma Karpo (a favourite of ours)
December 2013 New Version of Illuminator Tibetan-English Encyclopaedic dictionary * has been released. The new version is 5.23. Updates for registered users are available • here. The many users of pirated copies should pay for the dictionary by purchasing a copy • here; they will receive the latest dictionary in return, with no further questions asked.
January 18th, 2013 We have released The Illuminator for iOS. See • here for more information. The iOS Illuminator is the first of several dictionary “apps” to come, each compatible with iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch.
December 20th, 2012 Major updates to our Windows software * have been completed. New versions of TibetD Reader and TibetDoc are now available. See • here for more information. The updates make our software fully compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8 as well as repairing several nasty bugs that appeared in the previous version. The TibetD Reader update is free and is strongly recommended to all users of the software.
Publications for 2012 * All of our new titles have been selling well, despite the economic downturn. Here are the titles with links to their complete descriptions:
• The Six Topics That All Buddhists Learn,
• Highest Wisdom
• Flight of the Garuda
• Gampopa Teaches Essence Mahamudra
• Drukchen Padma Karpo’s Collected Works on Mahamudra
• Instructions for Practising the View of Other Emptiness
• The Theory and Practice of Other Emptiness Taught Through Milarepa’s Songs
• Juggernaut of the View
September 2012 New Version of TibetD Reader (free) and TibetDoc * Version 2.54 of the Reader is available • here and registered users of TibetDoc have been offered the latest build of TibetDoc version 2.54 by e-mail.
January 2012 New Version of TibetD Reader (free) * Version 2.54 of the Reader is available • here.
January 2012 New Publications * A new book has arrived. See The Six Topics That All Buddhists Learn book. Note that this is one of the books for second year Gangteng Shedra students. This is the only translation of the text available in English.
November 2011 Many New Publications * Seven new books at the printers! The books are: Highest Wisdom, Flight of the Garuda, Gampopa Teaches Essence Mahamudra, Drukchen Padma Karpo’s Collected Works on Mahamudra, Instructions for Practising the View of Other Emptiness, The Theory and Practice of Other Emptiness Taught Through Milarepa’s Songs, and Juggernaut of the View.
August 2011 Major Tibetan Text Publication * We have made the entire Drukpa Kagyu Heritage Project file collection available. This is a must for anyone who is interested in Tibetan texts: • go here for more information.
August 2011 Major Book Publication * Lama Tony has completed a translation of the well-known text on Thorough Cut called “Flight of the Garuda”. The translation is a substantial improvement over the two existing translations. Information and purchase is on this • page.
July 2011 E-Book publication * We have made Bodyless Dakini Dharma available in e-book format on the Books for Sale page.
April 2011 Free Text Publication * We have made a whole chapter from the Unending Auspiciousness book available for free. It concerns translation issues and contains information never seen before but of crucial importance to the work of translating Tibetan texts into English and other languages: • Books for Sale page.
February 2011 Major Text Publication * We add another of the core texts of Longchen Nyingthig to our list of Longchen Nyingthig Publications: A Presentation of Instructions for the Development Stage Deity, “A Stairway Leading to Akanishtha”. This text and the Key Issues of Visualization text immediately below should be read together; see the • Tibetan texts for purchase page.
February 2011 Major Text Publication * Key Issues of Visualization: Four Nails Pinning the Life-Forces. A text by Dza Patrul with crucial teachings on Development Stage; see the Tibetan texts for purchase page.
February 2011 Major Text Publication * Passage of Wisdom, A Great Vehicle Sutra. A Great Vehicle Sutra by the Buddha that is especially important for the view; see the Tibetan texts for purchase page.
February 2011 Major Text Publication * Words of the Old Dog Vijay. A text by Zhechen Gyaltshab Padma Namgyal with two teachings on the practice of Thorough Cut; see the Tibetan texts for purchase page.
February 2011 Russian Language Arrives at PKTC * A Russian version of our web-site will start this month which a translation of Mipham’s commentary to the Recollection of the Noble Three Jewels Sutra available for purchase in Russian.
January 2011 * Study Guide page. Go here.
November 2010 Major Text Publication * Unending Auspiciousness, The Sutra of the Recollection of the Noble Three Jewels with Commentaries by Ju Mipham, Taranatha, and Tony Duff. The most complete exposition of this sutra available in English; available on the Tibetan texts for purchase page.
November 2010 Major Text Publication * Relics Of The Dharmakaya by Ontrul Tenpa'i Wangchuk, A Detailed Explanation of The Three Lines that Strike the Key Points. Probably the largest, most detailed, and best commentary to Dza Patrul's Three Lines text ever written; available on the Tibetan texts for purchase page.
October 2010 Major Text Publication * Complete texts of the the Root Volumes of Longchen Nyingthig are now available as an electronic edition, on Tibetan texts for purchase page.
October 2010 More free texts * Three major texts from the Collected Works of the Sakya master Gorampa have been added to the free Tibetan texts page. Seven other free texts have been added including ones from Karmapa Rangjung Dorje, Buton’s History, Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation, an Enumeration of Dharmas (especially good for translators and Tibetan scholars) by Konchog Jigmey Wangpo, critical editions of the Madhyamakavatara and Bodhicaryavatara, and more. All files are in our TibetD format which has superior Tibetan text handling capabilities; those who have purchased any of our products will already have the software needed to read the files. Others can obtain a free version of TibetD Reader from the free software downloads page.
October 2010 Free Unicode version of TibetanMachine typeface * A unicode version of our workhorse TibetanMachine typeface was made available some years ago by the University of Virginia. Unfortunately, the font was badly damaged by them in the process. As a result it has many flaws in it and does not represent the high quality of the original TibetanMachine typeface made by us. We have rectified this by making our own unicode version of the Tibetan Machine typeface and we are distributing it freely. Anyone using the "Tibetan Machine Uni" typeface from the University of Virginia will want to delete it from their system and replace it with our authentic version. The authentic version works better in many ways! The authentic font can be obtained from here.
October 2010 Free TibetD Reader * A free version of TibetD Reader is now available from the free software downloads page. This makes all of our free texts and reference works readily available to anyone wanting to use them without payment of a fee.
This is a major step towards our provision of an Adobe Acrobat-like version of our TibetD Reader. Our plan is that by providing this free version of the Reader, others will be able to make their own texts using TibetDoc and make them available for free.
April 2010 Grammar publications * We continue to make available our trove of Tibetan grammar texts and translations. Our grammar books page now has the two major, Standard Reference books and four individual books of specific Tibetan grammar texts. The prices on the smaller books have been reduced by half.
March 2010 Nineteen New Publications!!! * We have published a set of sixteen specialist texts for practitioners and a further three major publications. The books all are available on the publications page.
Feb. 2010 Unicode Typefaces! * We have completed the conversion of our first high-quality typeface to Unicode. The TibetanCalligraphic typeface is now available in Unicode format. We will complete the conversions of all of our other fonts shortly and will make a major announcement when we do.
December, 2009 Free Tibetan text ** House of Cloves has been added to the free Tibetan texts and reference works page. It comes as both a TibetD version file and a PDF file so that anyone can use it.
August, 2009 New Book and free Tibetan text file ** The Lion’s Roar That Proclaims Zhantong by Ju Mipham Namgyal A very clear translation of Mipham’s text on Zhangtong (other emptiness) with extensive notes. Go to the home page and then to the publications for purchase section. An electronic version of the Tibetan text is also available on our free Tibetan texts page.
July, 2009 New Grammar Texts Section ** A new page has been added to the site to make available the several texts on grammar that we have been preparing over the years. Actual Tibetan grammar texts are available for the first time in translation and Lama Tony’s massive Standard Tibetan Grammar’s are available for the first time. Go to the home page and look for the grammar section under Publications.
July, 2009 New Tibetan Text Collection ** We have often thought that it would be good to have one collection of all the main Indian Buddhist texts that Tibetan Buddhists need to study. We now have a collection like this. Khenpo Zhanga of Dzogchen Shri Singha institute was famous for his compilation of 19 of the most important Indian Buddhist texts which went together with his own commentaries on them. We have re-produced the root volume of the seven volume set, the volume which contains the actual root texts. This single collection will give you all the popular texts in searchable electronic editions that can also be printed, if desired. Go to the Tibetan texts for purchase page and look for Khenpo Zhangas texts.
July, 2009 Coming Book ** After spending a summer teaching Zhantong to some yogi students here in Nepal, Lama Tony has completed work on a complete book of Zhantong. This is unlike anything published so far because it focusses on Zhantong as something that a practitioner can understand and practice rather than all the polemical debate that has detracted from its real meaning and made it hard for practitioners to access. The book comes with many translations of major works by Jamgon Kongtrul and others in his lineage. It includes several explanations of Milarepa’s songs in terms of Zhantong by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyatso. The book contains a wealth of authentic translations of material mostly not seen before.
July, 2009 New Tibetan Text Collection ** A complete, electronic edition of the Seven Treasuries of Longchenpa. This is a super-high quality production based on an original Adzom Gar print. The Adzom Gar print is regarded as the best available, and significantly better than the few other complete editions available such as the one from Dharma Publishing. At the time of writing, it is very hard -- impossible actually -- to get a good quality print of the Seven Treasuries. This electronic edition will be a major step forward for Tibetans and Westerners alike who want to read and study this collection. The full story of our meticulous editorial work, and so on will be told at the time of production.
June, 2009 New Book ** The Longchen Nyingthig Preliminaries
This book contains a translation of the liturgy for the preliminary practices of Longchen Nyingthig, the important commentary to the practice by Khyentse Wangpo, and many notes and support materials by the translator and compiler, Lama Tony Duff. It is available from the books for purchase page.
April, 2009 New Book ** About the Three Lines Striking the Three Points by the Third Dodrupchen Tenpa'i Nyima
A brilliant exposition of both Thorough Cut and Direct Crossing (thregcho and thogal) according to the Three Lines teaching originally given by Garab Dorje. The text will help anyone to understand these practices further and is a wonderfully fresh commentary on the Three Lines teaching. If you have been studying Patrul Rinpoche’s text, this will help your understanding enormously. It is available from the purchase page
April, 2009 New Tibetan Texts ** The Three Trilogies of Longchenpa
Longchenpa wrote three trilogies that are amongst his major works and which are relied on heavily in the Nyingma tradition. We have produced electronic editions of all them and made them available in our free Tibetan Text offerings section. This is a major offering; the work took nearly a year to complete and represents a significant portion of important Nyingma texts.
March, 2009 New Published Book ** Oryoki and the Oryoki Chant:
A Major exposition of Oryoki practice as introduced to the West by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Translation of the Sutra of Recollection of the Three Jewels with major commentary by Lotsawa Tony. Complete Tibetan monastic meal liturgy translated and included. Lots of Chogyam Trungpa. Lots of pure dharma. Of interest to all Tibetan Buddhists because of the translations and commentaries to the sutra.
March, 2009 New Specialist Book ** Differentiating Non-Distraction and So Forth:
Essential for essence Mahamudra and Dzogchen practice. Available for purchase from the books for purchase department.
March, 2009 New Specialist Book ** The Method of Preserving the Face of Rigpa, The Essence of Wisdom By Ju Mipham Namgyal:
Essential for essence Mahamudra and Dzogchen practice. Available for purchase from the books for purchase department.
March, 2009 New Specialist Book ** The Way of the Realized Old Dogs, Advice that Points out the Essence of Mind called "A Lamp That Dispels Darkness" By Ju Mipham Namgyal:
Written by Mipham for "City yogis", and essential for essence Mahamudra and Dzogchen practice. Available for purchase from the books for purchase department.
March, 2009 New Tibetan Texts ** The Rechungpa Hearing Lineage Text Collection:
The complete collection of the Kagyu Dakini Hearing lineage texts originally obtained from India by Rechunga and famed as the Rechungpa Hearing lineage was made available. This is a very carefully produced edition of the Tibetan texts in TibetD Reader format. It is available for purchase from the Tibetan texts for purchase department.
March, 2009 New Free Translation ** Songs of Milarepa:
A booklet with a story and song of Milarepa is available in the free texts department, in the Kagyu section.
March, 2009 New Free Translation, Commentary ** The Short Great Vajradhara Prayer:
A booklet with commentary written by a Westerner is available in the free texts department, in the Kagyu section.
Feb, 2009 New Free Translation ** Maitripa On The View:
A booklet with a collection of texts on the view by Maitripa. A shorter version is available in the free texts department. The complete version is available in books for sale department. All the Tibetan texts are available in the free Tibetan texts department under Indian Texts on Mahamudra heading.
