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Tibetan Grammar Books

We have the most comprehensive range of Tibetan grammar texts and explanations of Tibetan grammar available anywhere.  Our books on Tibetan grammar will show you, for the first time, Tibetan grammar as Tibetans understand it.  If you are a translator, these books will make a world of difference to your ability to translate Tibetan accurately and effectively.

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Kindle Books and E-books

Our books are available in several formats: paper books, PDF e-books, ePub e-books, and Kindle e-books.  Paper, PDF e-books, and ePub e-books are available through our own PKTC shop.  Kindle e-books are available through Amazon’s KindleBooks store.  Each book listed in the catalogue below has a button that will take you to our PKTC shop and, where relevant, the KindleBooks shop.  Once in either of these shops, you can shop for all of our books there.

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Paper books and E-books
A Complete Session of Meditation (English)

Complete instructions on Kagyu-Nyingma meditation from sugata essence to Mahamudra and Dzogchen by Lama Tony Duff

book cover
A teljes meditációs (Magyar, Hungarian)

Lama Tony Duff, Magyar fordítás Agócs Tamás

Dzogchen Foremost Instructions, “A Garland of Views”

Texts by Padmasambhava, Longchen Rabjam, and Ju Mipham concerning the Dzogchen instructions in the Guhyagarbha tantra, with translation and explanations by Tony Duff

book cover
Flight of the Garuda

A Complete Explanation of Thorough Cut by Zhabkar, with explanations by Ontrul Tenpa’i Wangchuk and Tony Duff

Longchen Nyingthig, A Guidebook to The Stages of Path of the Primal Guardian According to Longchen Nyingthig Great Completion

Dzogchen text by Jigmey Lingpa, translations and explanations by Tony Duff

book cover
Longchen Nyingthig: The Prayer of Threefold Ground, Path, and Fruition by Jigmey Lingpa, with Commentaries

Prayer by Jigmey Lingpa for daily recitation that encompasses the whole of Longchen Rabjam's realization, book by Tony Duff
book cover
Longchen Nyingthig Preliminaries, “The Excellent Path to Omniscience”

Texts by Jigmey Lingpa and other Tibetan Longchen Nyingthig masters, explanations by Tony Duff

book cover
Longchen Nyingthig Chod, “Sound of Dakini Laughter”

Text by Jigmey Lingpa, Instructions by Dza Patrul, and Commentary by Tony Duff

Longchen Nyingthig, Presentation of Instructions for the Development Stage Deity,“A Stairway Leading to Akanishtha”

Text by Jigmey Lingpa, book by Tony Duff

Longchen Nyingthig and Nyingma Mahayoga, The Key Issues of Visualization: Four Nails Pinning the Life-Forces

Two texts by Dza Patrul explaining development stage in the Nyingma tradition and Jigmey Lingpa’s “Stairway to Akanishta” (see above), book by Tony Duff

The View and Practice of Quintessence Dzogchen

Three Rare Texts on Nyingthig Dzogchen from Dza Patrul’s Collected Works, texts by Dza Patrul, translation and book by Tony Duff

The Bodyless Dakini Dharma: The Dakini Hearing Lineage of the Kagyu

Texts of Indian masters, a major explanation by Padma Karpo, with translations and explanations by Tony Duff

Gampopa’s Mahamudra, The Five Part Mahamudra of the Kagyus

Texts by Padma Karpo, Situ VIII, and others, book by Tony Duff

Three of the texts in this book are available as individual e-books in Kindle book format:
Gampopa Teaches Essence Mahamudra

Interviews with his Heart Disciples, Dusum Khyenpa and Others, book by Tony Duff

This book is also available in Kindle e-book format.  Because of the requirements of Kindle books, it has been divided into two volumes:
Dusum Khyenpa’s Songs and Teachings

Songs and teachings on Mahamudra by the first Karmapa, book by Tony Duff

Drukchen Padma Karpo’s Collected Works on Mahamudra

Texts by Padma Karpo, book by Tony Duff

This book is also available in Kindle e-book format.  However, because of the requirements of Kindle books, it has been divided into two volumes:
book cover
The Other Emptiness, Entering Wisdom Beyond Emptiness of Self

A complete Explanation of Other Emptiness by Tony Duff, several Tibetan sources included

Maitripa’s Writings On The View

The main Indian source of the Tibetan Views of Other Emptiness and Mahamudra, book by Tony Duff

The Lion’s Roar of the Ultimate Non-Dual Buddha Nature

Text by Ju Mipham Namgyal, Commentary by Tony Duff

The Lion’s Roar That Proclaims Other Emptiness

Text by Ju Mipham Namgyal, book by Tony Duff

A Juggernaut of the Non-Dual View, Ultimate Teachings of the Second Drukchen, Gyalwang Je

Text by Gyalwang Je, book by Tony Duff

The Theory and Practice of Other Emptiness Taught Through Milarepa’s Songs

Explanations by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyatso and Tony Duff

Instructions for Practising the View of Other Emptiness

A Text of Oral Instructions from the Jonang Lineage by Jamgon Kongtrul, book by Tony Duff


The Noble One Called “Point of Passage Wisdom”

A Great Vehicle Sutra, with Other Emptiness explanations by Tony Duff

book cover not available yet
Maitreya’s Sutras and Prayer With Commentary by Padma Karpo

A sutra of the Buddha, commentary by Padma Karpo, and explanations by Tony Duff

book cover not available yet
The Sutra Petitioned by the Householder Uncouth

A third-turning sutra of the Buddha, with explanations by Tony Duff

Samantabhadra’s Prayer in Two Volumes

In-depth explanations of the prayer, supported by commentaries by Nagarjuna, Tenpa’i Wangchuk, Tony Duff, and others in two volumes

book cover not available yet
The Six Topics That All Buddhists Learn

Text by the Great Khenpo Zhan-ga of Dzogchen Monastery, explanations by Tony Duff

Unending Auspiciousness, The Sutra of the Recollection of the Noble Three Jewels

The sutra, in-depth explanations of it, and extensive commentaries by Ju Mipham, Taranatha, and Tony Duff

This book is also available in Kindle e-book format.  The entire book contains extensive introductory material followed by three major commentaries.  Because of the requirements of Kindle books, the entire book has been divided into three Kindle volumes.  Each of the Kindle volumes includes all of the introductory material plus one of the major commentaries.  The most popular of the three Kindle volumes is volume 1 containing the author’s own commentary, because it presents the commentary directly in English avoiding all the constraints of a translation and because it includes all of the important material from the other two commentaries.  Volume 2 contains Taranatha’s commentary which is the one mainly used by Kagyu followers these days.  Volume 3 contains Ju Mipham Namgyal’s commentary which is very famous amongst Nyingma followers.
A Bitwise Commentary on Entering the Conduct, “A Lamp for the Path of the Middle Way”

Padma Karpo’s explanations of Shantideva’s Entering the Bodhisatva Conduct, book by Tony Duff

Oryoki and the Oryoki Chant

Book by Tony Duff, a full explanation of Oryoki practice as taught by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and as used in the Shambhala community at present

Teachings of the Mountain Hermit of Mandong

Taking Refuge and Arousing Bodhichitta Explained According to Atisha’s Lineage, book by Tony Duff

The Condensed Chronicle by Orgyan Padma

Padmasambhava’s autobiography translated by Tony Duff

The Feature of the Expert, Glorious King

Teaching on the Three Lines That Strike the Key Points, root text and auto-commentary by Dza Patrul, book by Tony Duff

book cover not available yet
A Practical Guide to the Great Vehicle View, the Two Truths Fully Clarified

Text by Dza Patrul, book by Tony Duff

About The Three Lines That Strike Key Points

An Explanation of Thorough Cut With Direct Crossing woven in by Dodrupchen III, Tenpa’i Nyima, book by Tony Duff

Condensed Advice on Great Completion’s Thorough Cut, “A Lamp’s Illumination”

Text by Dodrupchen III, Tenpa’i Nyima, book by Tony Duff

Relics of the Dharmakaya

A detailed explanation of The Three Lines that Strike the Key Points by Ontrul Tenpa’i Wangchuk, book by Tony Duff

Empowerment and Atiyoga

With texts of Jigmey Lingpa, Dilgo Khyentse, Longchen Nyingthig Root Tantra, the fourth empowerment sections of other tantras, and explanations by Tony Duff

Dzogchen: Essential Points of Practice, A Manual of Basic Instructions on Thorough Cut

Text by Zhechen Gyaltshab, book by Tony Duff

Words of the Old Dog Vijay, Practical Instructions on Thorough Cut

Text by Zhechen Gyaltshab IV, book by Tony Duff

The Way of the Realized Old Dogs, Advice that Points Out the Essence of Mind, called “A Lamp That Dispels Darkness”

Text by Ju Mipham Namgyal, book by Tony Duff

The Method of Preserving the Face of Rigpa, The Essence of Wisdom; An Aspect of Training in Thorough Cut

Text by Ju Mipham Namgyal, book by Tony Duff

Differentiating Non-Distraction and So Forth

An aspect of training in Thorough Cut, book by Tony Duff

Key Points of Direct Crossing, called “Nectar of the Pure Part”

Text by Khenchen Padma Namgyal of Surmang, book by Tony Duff

The Dzogchen Alchemy of Accomplishment, Heart Guidance on the Practice Expressed in an Easy-to-Understand Way

Text by Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje, book by Tony Duff

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Peak Doorways to Emancipation, Great Completion Texts on the Introduction to the Nature of Mind and Thorough Cut from the Collected Works of Shakya Shri

Texts by Shakya Shri, book by Tony Duff

“The Complete Path for the Ocean of Profound Meaning”, An Extensive Liturgy for the Visualization Procedures of the Mahamudra Preliminaries with a Listing of the Key Topics of the Main Practice

The Drukpa Kagyu Mahamudra Preliminary Practices by Khamtrul III, Kunga Tenzin, book by Tony Duff

Tsoknyi Rinpoche Books

“Ground, Path, and Fruition”, Teachings of Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Teachings of Tsoknyi Rinpoche, translations and book by Tony Duff

 go here for details, purchase

book cover
“Hinting at Dzogchen”, Teachings of Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Teachings of Tsoknyi Rinpoche, translations and book by Tony Duff

 go here for details, purchase

Yonge Mingyur Rinpoche Book

Meditator’s Guide to Great Completion

Teachings of Mingyur Rinpoche, translated by Tony Duff

Chogling Tesar and Tsoknyi Rinpoche Books

Kunzang Thugtig, Samantabhadra’s Mind Essence; the Texts for the Practice of Thorough Cut and Direct Crossing (Thregcho and Thogal)

From Chogling Tersar, translations and introduction by Tony Duff

A Complete Manual for the Practice of Miyowa Trulkhor In Chogling Tersar

Translations, compositions, and explanations by Tony Duff

Commentary on the Barchay Kunsel Condensed Preliminaries of the Chogling Tersar

Teachings by Tsoknyi Rinpoche, translation and book by Tony Duff

Tulku Ugyen’s Guru Yoga and Commentaries on the Practice

Practice text by Tulku Ugyen with two commentaries by Tsoknyi Rinpoche, translations and book by Tony Duff