Dear friends,
The summer is over and people are back from their holidays. This is the busiest time of year for publishers and we too will be making noises about what we have available for you.
We have a raft of new or completely revamped titles coming out. Some are new and some have been available in e-book format for some time. All existing titles have been substantially reworked. Here are some of them:

Lama Tony Duff, Director,
Christopher Duff, Manager,
Tamash Agocsh, Translator
Padma Karpo Translation Committee
The summer is over and people are back from their holidays. This is the busiest time of year for publishers and we too will be making noises about what we have available for you.
- A major sale: We have a major sale on at Wisdom Books—most titles are 70% or more off. The sale went all summer and books sold very quickly. We are continuing the sale through to the end of September for those who missed the summer sale: PKTC books on sale at Wisdom Books.
- Mac OSX and Apple iOS Reader with dictionaries now available: This year we made five important dictionaries available with our new Mac OSX and Apple iOS software. The dictionaries have been very popular with Mac and Apple users.
- Tibetan Grammar Texts: We have the only translations available of the Tibetan grammar texts used by Tibetans for their studies of Tibetan grammar. We have significantly lowered the prices on all of the books. These are a must for every translator.
- Updates to our Illuminator Dictionary: Our annual updates will be made available again at the end of this year. There will be over 1000 new entries in the Illuminator for this year.
- More free Tibetan texts: The following text collections were made free this year. Some people have not seen it, so here it is again:
• The Seven Treasuries of Longchenpa
• The Entire Root Volumes of Longchen Nyingthig
These two collections are now free on our web-site together with all of our other major collections. With this latest offering, we now give away all of our Tibetan texts, reference works, and text collections, and most of our dictionaries! You can read them using the Windows TibetD Reader which also is available free on our web-site.
We have a raft of new or completely revamped titles coming out. Some are new and some have been available in e-book format for some time. All existing titles have been substantially reworked. Here are some of them:
- The Other Emptiness, Entering Wisdom Beyond Emptiness of Self. For an excellent, impartial review, that rightly calls this book a tour -de-force, see here.
- Condensed Advice on Great Completion's Thorough Cut by Dodrupchen III
- A Complete Session of Meditation
- Maitreya's Sutras and Prayer with Padma Karpo's Commentary
- The Sutra Petitioned by the Householder Uncouth
- Six Topics That All Buddhists Learn
- Point of Passage Wisdom Sutra

Lama Tony Duff, Director,
Christopher Duff, Manager,
Tamash Agocsh, Translator
Padma Karpo Translation Committee