In this newsletter we announce our latest book.  Practitioners who have previewed the book have made comments like "This is an important book, that has long been needed for those studying Dzogchen."  As well as this book, we have a two volume complete exposition of Samantabhadra’s Prayer which we will be advertising very shortly.

Briefly, this text is one of the very important texts of the Nyingma tradition.  Full details of the book can be viewed by clicking on the image or heading just above, so won't be repeated here.

An important point about this book is that there is a translation of the same text forthcoming from another translation group.  However, this book includes a lot of extra material that is not in that book, such as a key section of the Guhyagarbha Tantra and Longchen Rabjam's commentary to it.  Our book also includes very extensive explanations of what can be very difficult, ancient ways of talking, that would not otherwise make sense to non-Tibetans, even with Mipham's commentary.