The Rite for Taking the Eight Vows: Liturgy and Commentary by Tony Duff:
The PDF file here contains the materials necessary to take the eight vows, sometimes called "the Eight Mahayana Vows". These
are the eight vows usually taken on Poshadha (sojong days) but which can be taken on any day to create a period of virtue in
one’s life. The book includes the liturgy for taking the vows, instructions on the use of the liturgy, a full explanation of
the vows, how to keep them, and so on.
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The Meaning of Poshadha for the Buddhist Sangha by Tony Duff:
The PDF file here contains an explanation of "poshadha", where it came from and how it affects the Buddhist sangha. it includes
a very clear explanation of the vows of Buddhist monks and nuns and how their violations are amended using the formal rites that the
Buddha established for poshadha. It could be interesting to laypeople as a way of understanding a little more about what it means
to be ordained.
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